Episode 118: Blade Runner (1982)

Quite an experience to live in fear, isn't it? We delve into the murky, rain-soaked neon streets of 2019 Los Angeles for Ridley Scott’s seminal 1982 sci-fi slow burner Blade Runner. Retired replicant hunter Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford) is pulled back into duty when four illegal synthetic humanoids are reported to be loose in the... Continue Reading →

Episode 116: *batteries not included (1987)

Film chosen by Patrick Oh it's them. The little guys. My little munchkins! We’re strolling back to the Amblin Entertainment heyday with Matthew Robbins’ cute, nostalgic, intergalactic robot heartwarmer *batteries not included. Elderly corner café owner Frank Riley (frequent Hitchcock collaborator Hume Cronyn) and his flighty, seemingly bewildered wife Faye (Cronyn’s real-life partner Jessica Tandy)... Continue Reading →

Episode 107: Midnight Run (1988)

Film chosen by Aidan We’re joined once again by our good friend Aidan all the way from Vancouver to discuss one of his childhood favourites, Martin Brest’s foulmouthed 1988 buddy caper Midnight Run. Disgraced former Chicago cop Jack Walsh (Robert De Niro), now working as an LA bounty hunter, is tasked with bringing in mob... Continue Reading →

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